Elektrikere med DSB søkes til vår kunde

NORREQ AS er et bemannings- og rekrutteringsselskap som driver utleie av tjenester innen teknisk arbeidskraft. Vi tilbyr kvalifisert kandidater i kombinasjon med kostnadseffektive løsninger. Våre hovedfagfelt er betongarbeidere, tømrere, rørleggere og elektrikere til næringsbygg, sykehus, skoler, leiligheter, eneboliger, kontorer, større eiendomsprosjekter eller skipsverft
I vår visjon har vi fokus på å levere kvalitet på alle områder. Vår strategi er også et sentralt verktøy i selskapets ønske om positiv oppmerksomhet og tillit innenfor bemanningsbransjen. Alle ansatte i NORREQ har en plikt og et ansvar for å ta eierskap i denne strategien.
Vår misjon: NORREQ skal ha kvalifiserte fagarbeidere som kan integreres og arbeide selvstendig i alle våre kunders prosjekter på kort varsel.
NORREQ AS is a staffing and recruitment company that rents services within technical manpower. We offer qualified candidates in combination with cost-effective solutions. Our major fields are concrete workers, carpenters, plumbers and electricians for commercial buildings, hospitals, schools, apartments, detached houses, offices, major real estate projects or shipyards
In our vision, we focus on delivering quality in all areas. Our strategy is also a central tool in the company's desire for positive attention and trust within the staffing industry. All NORREQ employees have a duty and a responsibility to take ownership of this strategy.
Our mission: NORREQ must have qualified skilled workers who can be integrated and work independently in all our customers' projects at short notice.
We are looking for skilled and experienced electricians to work in Oslo area in Norway. We have several construction projects on both big new construction/building project and housing/apartments.
We offer:
· 100% contract
· Help with organizing accommodation
· Free travel to work (public transportation or company car)
· 54 hours a week
· Rotation 3 weeks work, 1 week off
· OTP (retirement savings)
· 12% vacation money
We are expecting:
· Minimum 3-years of experience as a electrician (preferably from Norway)
· DSB (approval to exercise your profession in Norway)
· English or Norwegian language on communicative level
· References from previous companies (preferably from Norwegian companies)
· Positive attitude
We Promise:
As an employee you are NORREQ´s most valued asset and we will make sure you are treated as one. NORREQ rely on fairness and honesty! We make sure all rules and regulations are followed for your safety!
Please apply and fill in the job registration with your CV, reference mm.
Czy jesteś naszym nowym współpracownikiem, chcesz dołączyć do naszego zespołu w NORREQ?
Poszukujemy doświadczonych elektryków
Poszukujemy wykwalifikowanych i doświadczonych elektryków do pracy na terenie Oslo w Norwegii. Mamy kilka projektów budowlanych zarówno nowych jak i do remontu.
· umowę 100%
· Pomoc w zorganizowaniu zakwaterowania
· Bezpłatny dojazd do pracy (transport publiczny lub samochód służbowy bez paliwa)
· Do 54 godzin tygodniowo
· Rotacja 3 tygodnie pracy, 1 tydzień przerwy
· OTP (oszczędności emerytalne)
· 12% pieniędzy na wakacje
· Minimum 3 lata doświadczenia jako elektryk (preferowane doświadczenie z Norwegii)
· Język angielski lub norweski na poziomie komunikatywnym
· Referencje od poprzednich firm (preferowane referencje z norweskich firm)
· Pozytywne nastawienie
Jako pracownik jesteś najbardziej cenionym aktywem NORREQ, a my zadbamy o to, abyś był traktowany jako jeden. NORREQ stawia na sprawiedliwość i uczciwość! Dbamy o przestrzeganie wszystkich zasad i przepisów dla Twojego bezpieczeństwa!
Nøkkelord | Elektriker, electricians |